I have neglected posting news on this blog. The explanation can only be a workload. I had so much work that I don't keep up with the shooting of my works and many orders, unfortunately, has no documentation. But now, I slowly making up for the loss, and you can seewhat makes my nights sleepless over the past days and weeks ;)
Na początek: Ogniem i Mieczem
At the begining: By Fire and Sword
Chorągiew husarii- malowana na poziomie II
Winged Hussars- painted on level 2
Podjazd RON- poziom III
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth skirmish- level 3
I zdjęcie w plenerze...
And outdoors...
A poniżej kolejny podjazd prawie na ukończeniu:
And below another, almost finished, polish skirmish set:
Szybkie zamówienie na Gwiezdne Wojny:
Quick-to-paint Star Wars order:
Początek następnego zlecenia- armii Skavenów do Warhammer Fantasy Battle:
Begining of next order- Skaven army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle
A na koniec mały WIP czegoś do mojej kolekcji:
And finally small WIP of models for my collection:
Byłbym zapomniał- jakiś czas temu licznik na blogu przekroczył 10000 wizyt! Wielkie dzięki wszystkim :)
I almost forgot-some time ago the blog counter has exceeded 10,000 visits! Many thanks to all :)