Because I'm sick now I finally painted thunderers. At the workshop was the whole squad at a time, so went quite fast, some 4-5 days of working.As supplement will be added soon to the old flamethrower, so finally the unit will be 14 figures strong. For a long time I thought about colours. Main colour of my army will be blue, and the various units will have different colored accessories. I could not just decide how I want the other color in the case of shooters be. Inclined toward the red, but I've seen so many figures painted in this way ... But finally I found that this combination is too good to not use it, so here's finished second unit in the army of Kraka Drak- Thunderers:
Pomalowałem także bohatera- Skag the Stealthy. Przyjemna figurka, chociaż mam wrażenie, że wyszła trochę monotnonna...
I painted also a hero-Skag the stealthy. Nice figure, though I think that came out a little bit boring ...
OdpowiedzUsuńCzerwony i niebieski to bardzo dobre połączenie :)