Here are my first models in 15mm scale- Cossack Style Cavalry of Polish- Lithuanian Commonwealth to the "With Fire and Sword" rules. To my surprise, the models depicted to me very nicely-sculptures are accurate, but thanks to a small scale do not require so much work as Warhammer figures or any other in 28mm. Now, on the workshop will be Vlachs, then Pancerni Cavalry and the second squadron of Cossacks. By the way, I'll paint the commander and Polish "border patrol" will be ready. I want to finish it to the end of the year, which is even possible;]
Oto i zdjęcia/ Here are the pictures:
A na koniec filmy, które pozwalają mi się wczuć w klimat podczas malowania/ And at the end the movies that allow me to feel the atmosphere of 17th century when I'm painting:
taa, chwal sie tym podręcznikiem :P
OdpowiedzUsuńTeraz już oficjalnie mogę, ale o tym, że mam go od tygodnia to cicho, bo się wyda ;]