Traditionally, the end of the year means I go back to napoleonic wars:) There were several purchases last few weeks, but now I want to show my latest purchase- beautiful Polish infantry by Front Rank Miniatures. Package, which consisted of an infantry battalion (25 figures), General Dabrowski, horse and eagles to flags, came yesterday and I managed to paint the sergeant. I decided to paint them as the third Infantry Regiment, and that for this reason that I have a friend in the group of reconstituting the unit and comparing to some time in to join in its own ranks (hopefully going to realize that at the beginning of next year). The quality of figures, both the Front Rank as well as other manufacturers, will be the subject of my next post, and now some pictures:
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piątek, 23 grudnia 2011
Front Rank Miniatures Polish Infantry
Tradycyjnie chyba z końcem roku wracam do napoleonki:) Było ostatnio kilka zakupów z tym związanych, lecz pochwalić się teraz mogę najświeższym- przepięknymi polskimi piechurami firmy Front Rank Miniatures. Paczka, na którą składał się batalion piechoty (25 figurek), generał Dąbrowski, koń i orzełki do flag, przyszła wczoraj i już zdążyłem pomalować sierżanta. Zdecydowałem się na barwy 3. Pułku Piechoty, a to z tej przyczyny, że mam znajomego w grupie odtwarzającej ten oddział i od jakiegoś czasu przymierzam się, by samemu wstąpić w jego szeregi (mam nadzieję zamiar ów zrealizować z początkiem przyszłego roku). O jakości figurek, zarówno Front Rank jak i innych producentów, wypowiem się następnym razem, a teraz kilka zdjęć:
Traditionally, the end of the year means I go back to napoleonic wars:) There were several purchases last few weeks, but now I want to show my latest purchase- beautiful Polish infantry by Front Rank Miniatures. Package, which consisted of an infantry battalion (25 figures), General Dabrowski, horse and eagles to flags, came yesterday and I managed to paint the sergeant. I decided to paint them as the third Infantry Regiment, and that for this reason that I have a friend in the group of reconstituting the unit and comparing to some time in to join in its own ranks (hopefully going to realize that at the beginning of next year). The quality of figures, both the Front Rank as well as other manufacturers, will be the subject of my next post, and now some pictures:
Traditionally, the end of the year means I go back to napoleonic wars:) There were several purchases last few weeks, but now I want to show my latest purchase- beautiful Polish infantry by Front Rank Miniatures. Package, which consisted of an infantry battalion (25 figures), General Dabrowski, horse and eagles to flags, came yesterday and I managed to paint the sergeant. I decided to paint them as the third Infantry Regiment, and that for this reason that I have a friend in the group of reconstituting the unit and comparing to some time in to join in its own ranks (hopefully going to realize that at the beginning of next year). The quality of figures, both the Front Rank as well as other manufacturers, will be the subject of my next post, and now some pictures:
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